Sell-Out Analysis
For leading FMCG & Retail companies, The ‘Sell-Out Analysis’ module of Impaqtr gives a comprehensible and flexible insight into your retailer promotions.
The ‘Sell-Out Analysis’ module of Impaqtr gives a comprehensible and flexible insight in your sell-out data. Manufacturers often buy sell-out data from third parties like Nielsen, IRI, IMS, … and wants to distribute this data throughout the organization in an easy way. This module helps brand-, trade marketing-, marketing- and key account managers to get market insights on what is happening on the market.
Continuous insight in the sell-out data that forms the base for further analyses
Get an overview on different KPI’s like sales, turnover, market shares, distribution, promo shares…
Follow-up your own brands and benchmark with competition – Helps to create your business reviews in a fast and easy way.
- The ‘Sell-Out Analysis’ module contains strong mathematical power to calculate relevant KPI’s visualized in dashboards and tables. – Insights are group into a product-, a category-, and an assortment view
- Custom product segmentation can be implemented, so that it is aligned with your other business reports. – Benchmark retailers with aggregated markets like Total Belgium, Open Market…
- The ‘Retailer Margin Analysis’ module can be accessed through the ‘Aurora’ Platform. Product. Product mappings can be maintained by the customer through our shared One- Drive
Insights by Visualisation
Classic weekly timeline and calendar views
Aggregated views to compare retailers and brands.
Promotional segmentation views and rankings
Summarizing tables, …
Data Requirements
At the sales level monthly or weekly retailer selling-out of your own brands and competition SKU’s.
Possible Extensions
Multi country sell-out analysis
Other Modules